I will create a lesson plan of activities for young toddlers centered around a classic childrens book for your daycare or personal use

toddlers,literature,preschool,daycare,parenting,activities,kid books,curriculum
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I will create a lesson plan of activities for young toddlers centered around a classic childrens book for your daycare or personal use
You can choose ONE literature guide written for parents or teachers of young toddlers
Activity categories are: Language, Math, Gross Motor, Fine Motor, Game, Sensory Activity, Action Rhyme, and Pretend Play
Additional sections on Related Toys and Online Resources
These two-page guides come in PDF form
They can be used for a couple of days or up to a week
You can choose from: Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?; The Very Busy Spider; Cookie's Week; Good Night Gorilla; or If You Give A Mouse A Cookie
Ideally, you will need a copy of the book
Your local library is an excellent resource for that, or a thrift store, used book store, ebay, etc