I will create this grungy paint graffiti video animation with your texts and logo

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I will create this grungy paint graffiti video animation with your texts and logo
Reveal your brand, logo, business, website, service, product, event show in this grungy black paint wall graffiti intro text animation that will capture your customers' attention
Video you will get will be same as demo ★720p HD ★mp4 format(or indicate your preferred) ★23 seconds ★Audio included ★5 text slots ★Check service EXTRAS for more options ★For logo service extra, it should be hi-resolution,
AI format with clear/transparent background for best results ★Put it on your website, Facebook, YouTube or anywhere to promote & advertise your business, brand, web site, service, event, show etc ⁂1 revision only per vid
Make sure you provide the correct text and images
Check before sending to avoid revisions