I will distribute your flyers to specific demographics within your target market in downtown phoenix, tempe, old town scottsdale, asu campuses

marketing,flyers,distribution,brand champion,advertising,college,phoenix,arizona,asu,tempe
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I will distribute your flyers to specific demographics within your target market in downtown phoenix, tempe, old town scottsdale, asu campuses
I will distribute 20 flyers per service
You can choose the demographics of your target market as well as the location in the Downtown Phoenix, Tempe or Old Town Scottsdale areas
You provide the artwork and I will print and distribute
Standard service includes: 20 black and white copies up to 8
5" x 11"
These can be handed out in person or placed on cars
If you have a flyer that you would like posted, the standard service rate includes 20 fliers hung up on local bus stops / telephone poles etc

*Please note: If you would like your materials hung up on billboards at the ASU campus
I will provide 10 flyers per service (not twenty)
These will be hung on billboards and walls where advertising is allowed, so they will not be removed
You can order additional services if you would like me to hang more