I will send you a simple script to add to your website that will detect mobile device and redirect to mobile website of your choosing

design website,mobile website,mobile web site,mobile apps,redirect,code,how to
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I will send you a simple script to add to your website that will detect mobile device and redirect to mobile website of your choosing
This is a very simple 7 lines of code that is placed in the header or template of your current website that detects if your site is being viewed by a Mobile Device

It is the same code that ALL the big players use and they don't want you to know how simple it is
The code redirects all Mobile Phones to Mobile Website and let's all Tablets go through to the Main Site

This is not a Mobile Site, You must have a Mobile Site to put in the code

I will show you where the code goes and how to copy and paste it to your html or php

It will only take me a short while to send you this code, usually a couple of hours

If you need a Mobile Site, I can develop one for you
Just contact me