I will transcribe 15 minutes of audio, even when in a video,

transcription,transcribe,podcast,sermon,speech,audio to text
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I will transcribe 15 minutes of audio, even when in a video,
For each 20 minutes of recorded English audio, I will transcribe what is being said into English UK/US

I will do it as word-for-word (literal) translation, where exactly what is being said is translated, including "uhm, ahm, you know," and other slang and/or filler words
I can also edit and remove these slang and/or filler words for an additional $5 1000 words
I guarantee no grammatical or spelling errors

I will send you the transcribed audio in 15minute segments for review

Please see the following example from James Clear of PassivePanda
Word-for-word: "So for example, if you wanna partner with local restaurants, then coworkers, in this context are people who are already doing that in some way
They’re already partnering with those restaurants
Corrected: "So for example, if you want to partner with local restaurants, then coworkers, in this context are people who are already doing that in some way
They are already partnering with those restaurants