I will write a world class one page business plan

business plan,writing,executive summary,idea,financing,lenders,banks,write,crowdsource
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I will write a world class one page business plan
This service is for anyone interested in having a one-page business plan or executive summary written

If you want to attract investors, funding, angel investors, employees, venture capital or partners you will need a world-class business plan or executive summary

My other fivess service focuses on "reviewing" plans, ideas or strategies

The focus of this service is writing a business plan from the ground up
But you need to submit ALL of the requested information
PLEASE DO NOT order multiple pages and EXPRESS delivery
It does not work this way
Please contact me FIRST so I can review your project

Most businesses (96%) do NOT need 3 or more pages in a business plan
More pages does not make a business plan better

Read my fivess feedback
I'm the "man" :)