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I will perform distance reiki
Got a head ache? A Migraine ?Are you sick to your stomach?
I can help in a matter of just minutes with a distance Reiki session
No need for any special preparations
Just wear something comfortable and relax in your favorite place and position
Reiki is energy healing and although it is usually performed in person and along with some sort of hands-on or massage , it is not necessary
I have had great results with distance Reiki
The session will last roughly 10-15 minutes and you are welcomed to stop at any time if the sensations are too much for you or for any other reason
Caution: Healing nausea with Reiki may make you throw up -- Not all the time
but I've had it happen so that is just a warning I feel I must share
I have not had much success with Chronic pains or Joint pains
I have had decent success with flu and sickness also