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I will sing happy birthday or say your personalized message with my boa constrictor
Television's own Scaly Adventure kid, Pierce, will sing Happy Birthday to you or say your company's tagline, website or message while holding his Columbian Red Tailed Boa Constrictor! This is for a 30 second video clip
Soon we'll be able to offer extra services if you'd like to add more time, music or a logo
This is a super fun, cool way to promote your business or send a message in a unique way! Pierce owns a variety of snakes, so if you would like your video with a different one from our list, just specify your choice when you place your order
You can choose from: a Columbian Red Tailed Boa Constrictor, a Yellow Rat Snake, a Caramel Corn Snake, a Banded Water Snake, a Trans Pecos Rat Snake, a Black Rat Snake and an Albino Corn Snake
(We will not film or promote political party messages, profanity, adult content or anything illegal
Pierce is a minor and we reserve the right to not accept a job that will harm his image