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I will write 700 words of original, high quality website content
As a full-time freelance writer, I am continuously honing my writing craft on a day-to-day basis
This means I can produce high quality website content very quickly and to your specifications
I write website content that will encourage sharing on social platforms such as Twitter and Facebook, therefore leading to more backlinks and exposure for your website
Here is a short sample of my work:
Highly Sensitive People, Parents and Counselors Now Understand
When Dr
Elaine Aron published 'The Highly Sensitive Person' in the nineties she set in motion across the world a unanimous sigh of relief, both from depressed highly sensitive people and parents of highly sensitive children
Finally, HSPs were able to understand why they were so 'different' and belatedly began to form identities around their newfound understanding of themselves
Similarly, therapists of all kinds are now more knowledgable about the HSP trait these days and as a result are able to treat HSPs much more effectively