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I will link to your travel related site from my pr5 travel blog
I will place a link to your TRAVEL RELATED website from the my popular travel tips blog
Your link will appear under the blogroll which is on the front page of the site
The 5 year old site has a Google Pagerank 5, it has over 200 unique articles and gets a lot of traffic
Links will stay on the site for a minimum of 2 months
These links are nofollow in order to maintain my PR5 ranking
I'm only doing this for a limited amount of people, once I've reached the limit, no other orders will be accepted and the fivess service will be closed
Get REAL TARGETED TRAFFIC to your site for $5! This is probably the best value you will find on fivess for a this type of service
Interested in guest posts? Check out my other service here (same site): http://fivess