Click here for more details
I will record hd quality, natural, professional video testimonials or reviews for your business
High Definition quality(For even better quality 1080p HD $10*)*Naturral testimonial ****IF YOU DON'T HAVE A SCRIPT for the testimonial/review or promotion, and would like me to come up with one myself for your business product or website, please purchase an extra service**** FOR SUPER FAST DELIVERY under 6 hrs it is $15**
For an additional $5 I can change my attire to corporate, business-casual or trendy depending on your needs
I can also wear glasses as part of this service extra, or wear my hair up or down
**I cannot review/promote:
-adult themed products/websites
-hate or Political topics
-any products that would make me feel uncomfortable, so if you think your product or service may fall under this, please contact me prior to ordering any services :)