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I will mention your Website or your Business on my Blog and tweet your link to my 60000 plus twitter followers
I have blog with Google page rank 1
I will mention your website, business, advertisement or whatever you want on it with your wording having link of your site which will never remove once posted
Also I will send your tweets with Url to my 60000+ followers twice a day
------------ If you want some extra so see my service EXTRA below
------------ If you purchase my 1st service EXTRA so I will send your link to my 60000+ (Increasing day by day) real, active and loyal Twitter and Facebook followers twice a day till 7 days so its mean that your message will tweet 60,000 x 2 = 120,000 times daily and 120,000 x 7 = 840,000 times for 7 days
------------ If you purchase 2nd service EXTRA so I will give you 600+ Facebook likes on your fan page
------------ If you purchase 3rd service EXTRA so I will submit your article to 100+ a r t i c l e directories with Article Marketing Robot
Many of them are high pr and auto approved and many of them take 30 to 45 days to approve your a r t i c l e so be patient
Also give you submission report with live l i n k s