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I will write 400 to 600 words original and high quality search engines optimized seo article on any computer technology related topic, no spinning
I have over 10 years experience in Computer Technology besides being a programmer
I am also an online writer of Search Engines Optimized (SEO) content and I have experience on writing Hubs on Hubpages, Lens on Squidoo and blog content
With the latest updates on PANDA and PENGUIN Google algorithms, Google require web contents to be fresh, unique, original and of high quality
If you want to drive evergreen traffic to your website or blog, order this service now! <><><><><>
I will write 400 to 600 words original Search Engines Optimized (SEO) article for you on any Computer Technology related topic for $5
It could be a Hub, a Lens, a Website or Blog content
If you would like several orders within a single topic, (niche content), be sure to order my service Extras
My articles are guaranteed to pass Copyscape or any other plagiarism checker, they are highly researched and you will not find them on the web
No spinning and no keyword stuffing
Just provide the topic (optional) and i will deliver the SEO rich article complete with a list of short and long tail keywords/tags within 24 hours