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I will write an original 350 word keyword seo article or blog post
I am a native English speaker who grew up and graduated college in the USA
I currently live in the Philippines
I will write an original 350 word article or blog post based on ONE KEYWORD you provide
My materials stand out because they ENGAGE the reader, are not spun or software-written, and written in a PERSONALITY-DRIVEN way
My materials are 100% original since I check them through copyscape
I don't use software to write my stuff
I never use PLR or other shortcuts for my materials
If you want to target keywords in a creative way that appeals to HUMAN READERS not just Search Engine robots, order my service now
Here are some restrictions:
One keyword only per article/blog post
I don't do any of the following:
product/service reviews/research papers/research topics/white papers/sales text or product descriptions/copywriting/sales copy
No more than 2 orders per day per client
Check out my service at bit
ly/UZHx0m to see REVIEWS of my writing
Photo credits:flickr